Suicidal Birds in Jatinga, Assam

Bird Suicidal Point

                         Jatinga a tiny village placed in province, a state in northeastern country. Jatinga is well-known for a completely totally different reason – its Bird Mystery.

The Bird Mystery could be a particular development that happens at Jatinga between Sept and Gregorian calendar month annually. 
several migratory and native birds commit mass suicide at the village. 

Merely once sunset, between seven and ten pm, many birds descend from the sky, plummeting to their deaths by flaming into buildings and trees.

Since birds aren’t notable to be unsafe, the progress has baffled villagers, visitors and scientists alike. for many years, locals believed that evil spirits living at intervals the skies were in command of movement down the birds .

Of course, this isn’t true. once several scientific studies and experiments, it has been complete that the birds unit of measurement generally disoriented by the monsoon fog. 

So they attracted by the village lights and fly towards them, generally hanging walls and trees throughout the descent. a number of the birds die, 

A few extra fascinating discoveries were created by scientists and bird watchers. Most of the unsafe birds lose their natural habitats as a result of flooding throughout the monsoon season. so that they seem to be migrating to different places, and Jatinga is in their migratory path. but it isn’t clear why the birds get voluntarily at bay at constant place once a year.