Top Most Mysterious place in india || Mostly Visited place in india ||

Mysterious place In India 

Ladakh Magnetic Hill

                           Ladakh Magnet Hill is found about to Leh in Ladakh, India.The layout of the region and Surround slopes generate a Hill that is not a hill. that the righthill road is actually associate uphill road. Objects and cars on hill might appear to roll "lefthill" in defiance of gravity once they area in fact, rolling downhill......ReadMore

Door-Deprived Houses of Shani Shingnapur

                         Shani Shingnapur, is a type of village, which located 35 kms away from Ahmednagar, is famous for its Shani temple.

Twins at Kodinhi, Kerala, Twins Town

                             The strange issue regarding this otherwise normal village in Malappuram, Kerala is that the strikingly sizable amount of dual births that it witnesses. Kodinhi, or the ‘Village of Twins’, because it is currently referred to as, holds AN eminent place among the """mysterious places in India""!.....ReadMore

The Gravity Defying Palace at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

                             This building is one the foremost noted place to go to because the largest arch space with out any pillars, exciting combination of international organization fussiness of fashion,built in year 1784 by Asaf-ud-Daula the fourth Mughal emperor and used for his family residence.....ReadMore

Suicidal Birds in Jatinga

                            Jatinga may be a tiny village placed in province, a state in northeastern Asian nation. Jatinga is well-known for a completely totally different reason – its Bird Mystery.........ReadMore

Top Mysterious Temple in India || Kal Bhairav Nath Temple, Varnasi

Kal Bhairav Nath Temple, Varanasi: A place where alcohol prasad offered.

                          kaal bhairav nath  temple known as kaal bhairav mandir, it is one of the oldest shiv tepmples which situated Bharonath, Vishweshwarganj or we know as varanasi. which is one of the famous with culuture and spiritual god in Hinduism.This temple is dedicated to one of the fiercest forms of Lord Shiva......ReadMore

Child Marriage in India || About Earlier Child Marriages

Origin of child marriage:

Child Marriage base put in india more than one thousand years ago from the time of the muslim invasion. invaders raped single hindu women or carried them off as plunder, prompting hindu groups to marry off their daughters nearly from brith to protect them. others advise kid weddings were not uncommon anyplace in the universal before than the nineteenth century.

Delhi Sultanate time at delhi, administrative environment was stormy and dominated via muslims sultans in an absolute monarchy authorities. at some point of this era the sultans made practices along with baby wedding and had reduced the repute of girls even similarly.

Within the initial recognized history of india from 200 bc to 700 advert, younger men and women had a good time a broadminded thought of affection and they had the freedom to choose a companion and enter into romantic relationships with all other with none fear of scandal.

however, from middle age, as states and government evolved, the political system elaborated and changed the indian society steadily. it converted the way of life and opinion of its humans from a easy to more complex form, limiting considerably the perception of liberty.

girls misplaced their rights and had to obey policies. since younger women were considered irresponsible and irrational in love, parents married them early earlier than they got stuck into any scandal. though, age at which the female changed into to be married differed and it changed into uncommon for girls younger than 12 to be married in antiquity.

despite the fact that, lady brides became younger closer to the medieval length, and it have become increasingly not unusual for ladies as younger as six or eight to be married as indian society. the high situation of negotiating the wedding became to discover the compatibility among the 2 family.

The eight varieties of marriages in ancient india
Though baby marriage or bal-vivaha became now not extensive or as an alternative very rare within the indian way of life but, in step with manu smiriti, the vedic regulation of all social training, there existed eight major sorts of marriages in ancient india.

Brahma marriage
The brahma form of marriage holds a superb position and this gadget of marriage does no longer contain any system of dowry. brahma marriage takes place most effective after the crowning glory of getting to know length or “brahmacharya” of a boy and in this device the bride’s father ensures that the possible groom has obtained the expertise of the vedas and endowed in noble features. daiva marriage daiva marriage is appeared to be not so good as the brahma marriage. after waiting for an inexpensive period to get a suitable guy for their daughter, when mother and father fail to discover everybody, they go seeking out a groom in a place wherein a sacrifice is being performed. throughout this marriage ceremony, the girl is well groomed with ornaments and is surrendered to the priest who plays the sacrificial sports.

Arsha marriage
The word arsha way sage in sanskrit language and for this reason, arsha marriage indicates marriages with the sages or rishis. in this shape of marriage the bride’s father obtained a gift of milk cows and a breeding bull from the bridegroom. this become no longer taken into consideration a dowry, however a token of admire. this type of marriage passed off because the mother and father of the bride could not afford the cost in their daughter’s marriage at the right time according to the brahma ceremony and therefore, the girl is married to an old sage. as in keeping with shastras, noble marriages have been far far from any form of enterprise or financial transactions and thus this form of marriage changed into now not seemed nobles.

Prajapatya marriage
The bride’s father gives his daughter to the bridegroom with the conventional blessing and with the aid of addressing the couple with the mantras, “may both of you perform together your dharma or sacred duties”. this form of marriage may be similar to that of the brahma marriage, which can be the beginning of prajapatya vivah or marriage.

Gandharva marriage
The ones couples who aren't authorized via their families to get united are seeking for safe haven in this shape of hindu marriage. bridegroom and bride marry secretly with out the information of their parents. the gandharva shape of marriage is particularly similar to the present day love marriage, however it was considered inferior due to the fact this form of marriage changed into achieved via passionate impulses. the gandharva marriage or the marriage of the celestials entails a easy change of garlands upon which the sanctity of the marriage is confirmed. reference to this kind of marriage is found in some of epics and mythological texts.

Asura marriage
Tsura marriage occurred when an unsuitable bridegroom approached the own family of the bride and offered a excessive fee to have the funds for to get married to the lady. it may consequently be looked upon as a bribe for purchasing the lady the boy’s dreams, even supposing he's in no manner a fit for the woman. this system of marriage changed into not a miles desirable shape because the women handled like items.

Rakshasa marriage
The rakshasa marriage is likewise not a desirable shape of marriage because it entails using force to woo a girl. in this sort of Hindu marriage, the female becomes forcibly taken far away from her own family after which persuaded to marry. this was taken into consideration inferior due to the fact because of lustful impulses and fallacious use of force.

Paishacha marriage
The final and the eighth type of Hindu marriages is the paishacha marriage. this sort of marriage is considered the maximum inferior form of Hindu marriage and has been prohibited in the later a long time. it became considered that guys have been authorized to marry those women on this form of marriage, whom they'd seduced when the woman changed into intoxicated, asleep or insane. nonetheless, the maximum famous form of marriage become swayamvara where grooms assembled on the bride’s residence and the bride decided on her spouse. svayam-vara approach “a self-selection of one’s husband”, swayam = self, vara = husband. this ceremony is noted within the famous indian epics of ramayana and mahabharata.

Epic about Women

Freedom Enjoyed By Women:

The degree of freedom given to ladies to require join in activities indicates the character of the position enjoyed by ladies throughout vedic period. ladies never ascertained “purdah”. They enjoyed freedom. They enjoyed freedom in choosing their male partner. they might educate themselves Widows were allowable to remarry. Divorce was but not permissible to them.yet men did not have the right to divorce their wifes.

Equal Educational opportunities for women:

Daughters were never badly treated though male children were most popular to female kids. They additionally received education like boys and went through the “Brahmaachary” discipline as well as the “Upanayasa” ritual. women studied the sacred writing like men and a few of them like Lopamudra, Ghosa and Sikata-Nivavari figure among the authors of the sacred text hymns.

Position of Women in Matters about wedding and Family Affairs:

Marriage within the vedic period was thought-about a social and spiritual duty and united the couple on an equal looting. women had the correct to stay spinsters throughout their life. wedding wasn't forcibly imposed on them child marriages were unknown. ladies got in wedding solely when puberty that too after finishing their education girls had the right to choose  their life-partners.

Often there have been also love marriages called “Gandharva vivaha”. Monogamy was the form of wedding throughout the vedic days. re-marriage of widows was allowed. These are variety of  references to custom of “Niyoga” where a brother or the nearest relative of a deceased husband may marry the widow with the permission of the elders.

Niyoga was mainly practiced to get a child for continuing the family tradition. Rig-Veda accepted the right of a spinster to inherit her father’s property. The practice of “Sati” is no where stated in the Rig-Veda. The practice of taking dowry was there but it was only symbolic. It had not emerged as a social evil.

In family matters, though the custom and tradition invested the husband with greater powers in the management of the household, still in many respects they were regarded as equal of their husbands. Joint heads of the family considered as the both husband and wife.  However the wife was likely to influence to the husband serving him within the performance of his duties as well as the spiritual  ones.

Financial Production and occupational Freedom:

Vedic women had financial freedom. a few women were engaged in teaching work. Home was the place of production. Spinning and weaving of garments were done at home. Women also helped their husbands in agricultural purists.

Property Rights and Inheritance:

Women rights were very much limited in inheriting property. A married daughter had no share in her father’s property but each spinster was entitled to one-fourth share of patrimony received by her brothers. Women had control over gifts and property etc. received by a woman at the time of marriage but the bulk of the family property was under the control and management of the patriarch.

A woman as a wife had no direct share in her husband’s property. However, a ditched wife was allowed to 1/3rd of her husband’s wealth. A widow was relied upon to lead an ascetic life and had no part in her husband’s property. Thus it could be generalized that the social circumstance was not in favour of women having property and but assurance was given to them as daughters and wives.

Role within the spiritual Field:

In the spiritual field, married woman enjoyed full rights and frequently participated in spiritual ceremonies together with her husband. spiritual ceremonies and sacrifices were performed jointly by the husband and the wife. girls even participated actively in spiritual discourses. There was no bar for ladies to browse or study any of our sacred literature.

Women role in public Life:

Women could shine as debaters publically assemblies. they sometimes occupied a prominent place in social gatherings however they were denied entry, into the “Sabhas” as a result of these places besides being used for taking political selections were conjointly used for gambling, drinking and such others purposes. Women’s participation publically meetings and debates, however, became less and less common in later religious writing amount.

It may thus be concluded that in vedic india, girls didn't enjoy an inferior status rather they occupied an honourable place.

They had ample rights within the social and the spiritual fields and limited rights within the economic and the political fields. They weren't treated as inferior or subordinate however up to men.

Status of women throughout the Epic period:

The Epic India women enjoyed an admirable position at home. Both Ramayana and Mahabharata Epics had given a respectable place for women; women had been known as the foundation of Dharma, prosperity and enjoyment in each the epics.

We find vast references of the expression of courage, strong self-will and valour of women like Kaikeye, Sita, Rukmani, Satyabhama, Sabitri, Draupadi and others.

The wonderful illustration for the Hindu ideal woman Sanskrit literature could be a glorious, it glorifies the importance of “Pativrata” and idealises woman as one of the primary honoured aspects of our heritage. The Mahabharata also outlines the duties and therefore the attitude of the wife to the husband.

Women during the Period of Dharmashatras and Purans:

Throughout  the Dharmashastras and puranas period the status of women progressively declined and underwent a significant modification. the girls were underprivileged of education daughters were regarded as second class citizens. women freedom was reduced.

Sons got a lot of weightage than daughters women were prevented from learning the Vedas, Manu, the law giver of Indian society gave the statement that women have to be underneath father during childhood, underneath her husband during youth and underneath her son during old age”. At no stage shall she deserve freedom.however he balanced this with the statement that a society within which the lady was not worthy.

Due to the various limit obligatory on the liberty of women some issues started creeping in. within the social fields, pre-puberty wedding came to be practiced, widow wedding was prohibited, husband was given the status of God for a woman, education was fully denied to woman, custom of ‘Sati’ became increasingly prevalent, purdah system came into vogue and practice of polygyny came to be tolerated.

In the economic field a woman was totally denied a share in her husband’s property by maintaining that a wife and a slave cannot own property. In the religious field, she was forbidden to offer sacrifices and prayers, practise penance and undertake pilgrimages.

Factors That Caused the Degradation of Women:

The renounced sociologist has identified some reasons for the low position of female in post Vedic period. Rigid limitations enforced by the caste system and the combined family system, lack of educational facilities for women, introduction of the non-Aryan wife into the Aryan house hold and foreign invasions.

Women in the Buddhist Period:

The women status improved a little during the Buddhist period though there was no tremendous change. some of the rigidities and restrictions imposed by the caste system were relaxed. Buddha preached equality and he tried to improve the cultural, educational and religious statuses of women.

During the benevolent rule of the well-known Buddhist rulers such as Chandragupta Maurya, Ashoka, Sri Harsha and others, women recovered a part of their lost liberty and position due to the relatively broadminded Buddhist viewpoint.

Women were not only limited to domestic work but also they could option  to an educational profession if they so desired. In the spiritual field women came to occupy a distinctly greater place. Women were allowed to become “Sanyasis”. Many women took a important role in Buddhist monastic-life, women had their sangha known as the Bhikshuni Sangha, which was guided by the similar rules and regulations as those of the monks. The sangha opened to them avenues of cultural activities and social service and ample opportunities for public life. Their political and economic status, however, remained unchanged.

Top Ancient Festival---Bali Jatra


Bali Jatra precisely means “A journey to Bali” also known in Odia as “Boita Bandana”  According to the Odia Calendar month of Kartik (October - November), the city of Cuttack in Odisha celebrates a well-known festival known as Bali Jatra. This popular festival of Odisha is celebrated every year beginning from the day of full moon or Kartika Poornima   and continue at Gadagadia Ghat of the River Mahanadi for the next seven days where they worship the Lord Kartikeswar.
Moreover, through this festival, the locals also commemorate that day when sailors of Odisha first movement to distant lands of Java (at the time of the voyage known as Yawadvipa), Bali, Borneo, Sri Lanka (Formerly Ceylon), and Sumatra. To pay their homage, regional people make the artificial boat (made up of paper, barks of the banana tree, and cork) and float it in the water. Besides, the festival also observes the tradition of lighting lamps in the boat which is called Boita Bandana. This boasts an amazing landscape of countless boats lit with lamps.
This festival is also associated with Taapoi and rituals like Bhalukuni Osha, Khudurukuni Osha, Bada Osha. Taapoi closely associated with the bali jatra festival, which recalls traditional memories of young maidens waiting for the return of their sailor brothers.

The legend of the festival says that the Odishan mariners or ancient sadhabas considered the day of Poornima (full moon) highly auspicious to start any sail to distant lands. Moreover, on this day, a grand fair is also organized where more than 24 states of traditional items are kept on display. Around 150 stalls of handicraft items and traditional silver. Also, the concerned authority also organizes boating opportunity for the visitors which is the highlight of this beautiful festival in Cuttack.